Price Comparison with International Standards

Name of MachineImagePrice
Manual hand drum carder for wool fiber blending carding machine$750.00 – $830.00
long arm mammoth$458.00 – $590.00
wool picker machine$449.00
Examples of Manual Carding Machines

Name of MachineImagePrice
Ashford e-Spinner 3€895,95
Ashford Super Jumbo e-Spinner€894,05
EEW 6.1$299.00
Louet E-spinner Jenn-E€795.00
WooLee Ann Production Spinner$1,875.00
Examples of Electric Spinning Wheels
Name of MachineImagePrice
Ashford Table Loom Stand and Treadle Kit$ 410.00 USD
Ashford Rigid Heddle Loom Stand$ 199.00 USD
Ashford Table Loom Stand for 32″ Sixteen Shaft Loom$ 648.00 USD
Ashford Brooklyn 4 harness Loom$ 685.00 USD
Examples of Spinning Machines